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2023년 10월 31일
Prof. Cho received "The MSK 2023 Grand Academic Award" a.k.a. Unbong Award.
Here are some pictures
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2023년 9월 28일
Dr. Stefan Bertilsson visited the Cho Lab.
Stefan, welcome to the Cho Lab. Prof. Stefan Bertilsson from SLU, Sweden, visited the Cho Lab on Sep. 26-27 and chatted with graduate...
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2023년 9월 24일
Maliheh and Lauren, Welcome to Seoul!
Maliheh and Lauren from SLU, Sweden, visited Seoul with Yeonjung and Suhyun. Maliheh loved that ballon as it looks like a phage. You...
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2023년 5월 15일
2023년 teachers' day.
2023년 스승의날을 빙자한 회식^^ Forever MMMB! Forever Cho Lab! (결혼식 날짜를 공개하고 좋아 죽는 임박사님!)
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2023년 2월 17일
Congratulations! Flower ceremony for PhDs. and Bsc.
2023. 2. 17. on the Commencement
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2022년 11월 1일
MSK2022 meeting in Jeju island.
Attending the MSK2022 meeting Dr. Suhyun Kim received the Young Scientist Award.
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2022년 10월 24일
2022, Field Sampling Series #5
Date: 2022.10. 21~22 Site: Tongyoung, Somaemuldo 섬: 소매물도 (통영항, 소매물도 선착장, 남매바위, 열목개) Special Guest: Beautiful Sunrise + Undergraduates...
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2022년 9월 1일
Visiting Stefan Bertilsson Lab at SLU, Sweden
2022. 08. 06 ~ 08. 13, Uppsala Sweden
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